FAQ About Purchasing An Antique Engagement Ring

Posted on: 18 November 2016


Have you decided to present your partner with an antique engagement ring? You are making a wise decision because antique engagement rings are often rare and valuable. The value of the ring will actually continuously increase through the duration of your marriage, which can also act as a good financial investment. This article will answer some of the questions that you might have when you invest in an antique engagement ring.

Where Can Antique Engagement Rings Be Found?

There are several ways to go about shopping for an antique engagement ring. However, you are likely to have a better selection if you specifically visit an antique dealer. Many of the antiques that are found in shops were purchased from estate sales, which mean that they may have a lot of value. It is also possible for you to directly visit estate sales to search for antique jewelry.

Will an Antique Dealer Supply Appraisal Documentation?

Whether or not you are able to obtain appraisal documents for the antique ring that you decide to purchase depends on the specific dealer. However, many of the dealers are also in the business of appraising jewelry, so you can ask for the ring to be appraised if need be. You might be charged an additional fee for getting the ring appraised, but it is worth the investment. You will then know the true value of what you are spending money on. The appraisal process will include verifying the metal type, as well as grading the stones that are in the ring.

Is it Wise to Insure an Antique Engagement Ring?

Insuring an antique engagement ring is one of the wisest things that you can do after it has been purchased. You must take into account that houses sometimes catch fire and get robbed, which can lead to the ring being stolen or damaged. As long as the ring has been properly appraised, you might be able to insure it under your homeowner's insurance policy. A claim can then be filed in the event that something happens to the ring.

What is the Best Type of Metal to Consider?

There are a variety of metals that are used on antique rings. You should base the decision on your budget, as well as whether or not your partner is likely to keep the ring on at all times. A durable metal is ideal for a ring that is never taken off. However, rings that are sterling silver with a gold plate are ideal if you need to stay on budget.  

For more information, contact a company that sells antiques and estate jewelry, such as Crissy Galleries.